Every time

Every time

Every time I think I’m over it
Every time I think I’m done
You come back into my life
You say a few little words
You do something that makes me remember
And my heart skips a beat
My pulse races
My breath catches
And I know we will never be over
We will never be done
And it kills me
Everything we could have been
Would have been
Should have been
But can’t
And won’t
The guilt I feel over you
Should be all consuming
Boarderline emotionally cheating
Still holding on
When I should have let it fade
Long long ago
Still wanting you
Needing you
Keeping you as part of my life
When he should be all that matters
He should be everything
And he is
Except for that tiny part
That hidden part
Buried away
Down deep
Where no one can ever see
That part that always is
No matter what
Hell or high water
Time and distance
Is you.



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