Summer Kickoff

The last few months have been a bit of a whirlwind; but, as I sit in Starbucks, debating what to write about, I realized I don’t necessarily have to boil it all down into one or two quick, easy, neat little categories. So I won’t. At least, not in this post anyway. So here’s what you’ve missed…. Or rather, what I have been too busy to blog about…

I started following the Keto Diet and love it. Lost 28 pounds so far.


I finished the first draft of the Deep Freeze manuscript


Joshua started swim lessons


I started a new job at a camp, Facility Manager


I turned 30


I completed my first half marathon, the Disney Princess half 10 year anniversary run.

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Disney Vacation


Completed a week long ROPES facilitator certification courseIMG_1200.JPG


South Austin Moms and Minis Facebook group reached over 700 members!


I got a new folding dining table for Mother’s Day




And there are a lot of really awesome things coming up in my life, too…

The Summer has just begun


I am starting a Summer Heart List inspired by the book Love, Life and the List by Kasie West


Joshua is turning 2!

joshuas birthday

I got invited to the CCCA 2018 Conference in Palm Springs in December






And so much more. But that’s what I’ve got for now. ❤



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