

Hello! Welcome! My name is Ashley. As someone who loves writing, it only made sense to me that it would eventually lead to a blog of my own. Turns out being a great writer and being a great blogger are definitely NOT the same thing! This blog will definitely be a challenging undertaking for me (so please be patient if I don’t always post with the consistency or frequency that I should).

So here’s a little about what to expect on my blog: a little bit of everything! My poetry & songs & other random writings. Photography. Reviews of webpages, recipes, advice columns, smartphone apps, and other things I find along the way. Health and Fitness. DIY Arts and Crafts. Travel. Art. general lifestyle stuff. And who knows what else…?


And here’s a bit about me: I am 27 years old. I was raised in central-eastern Pennsylvania and now reside in the Austin, Texas area. I work as an event manager for a retreat and conference center that is also a summer camp. I am hoping to eventually transition to full time camp staff somewhere. I am happily married to a wonderful, godly man named Jeremy. He works in home-brewing and is looking to get back into teaching elementary school. We have one very spoiled cat named Sam (who I am sure you will get to see many photos of throughout my adventures…like the one right below this paragraph). I am a Christian. And although I don’t expect all my readers to share my beliefs, I do ask you to be respectful of them and respectful of other individuals beliefs posted on this page. I am more than happy to discuss religion and politics and all sorts of hot button issues; however, I will not tolerate any sort of harassment or malicious arguments being started on my page. I have spent the majority of my life learning to hate my body, this year I am determined to learn to love it again. This is something I plan on cataloging on this page, step by step as this journey begins. I am into all sorts of DIY arts and crafts and will probably post a lot of those on here along with reviews of apps, recipes, and other blogs.


I am going to try and develop a theme for the blog throughout 2015. As I narrow it down, I will update you and let you know. Hopefully you all can give me some input and feedback on what you feel works and what you feel doesn’t. I love hearing from my readers & followers and welcome constructive criticism as much as a compliment! Like I said, I am not always consistent in posting, and I hope to change that throughout the course of this year. As you read, please follow/subscribe and leave feedback to let me know how I am doing! I love getting to know everyone and helping develop our blogs together!

Check out some of my top posts: He Was Right, Choose to Love, Journey, and Infinite

Also feel free to contact me via email ashleyrobertson0113@gmail.com

Check out my other social media and contact me on on facebook, twitter, pinterest, and instagram

Forever and For Always,
Ashley Grace

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