Summer Kickoff

The last few months have been a bit of a whirlwind; but, as I sit in Starbucks, debating what to write about, I realized I don’t necessarily have to boil it all down into one or two quick, easy, neat little categories. So I won’t. At least, not in this post anyway. So here’s what you’ve missed…. Or rather, what I have been too busy to blog about…

I started following the Keto Diet and love it. Lost 28 pounds so far.


I finished the first draft of the Deep Freeze manuscript


Joshua started swim lessons


I started a new job at a camp, Facility Manager


I turned 30


I completed my first half marathon, the Disney Princess half 10 year anniversary run.

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Disney Vacation


Completed a week long ROPES facilitator certification courseIMG_1200.JPG


South Austin Moms and Minis Facebook group reached over 700 members!


I got a new folding dining table for Mother’s Day




And there are a lot of really awesome things coming up in my life, too…

The Summer has just begun


I am starting a Summer Heart List inspired by the book Love, Life and the List by Kasie West


Joshua is turning 2!

joshuas birthday

I got invited to the CCCA 2018 Conference in Palm Springs in December






And so much more. But that’s what I’ve got for now. ❤



May I be…focused

Today’s post is all about the flowers and being focused

A lot of times I feel like the flower on the left…still kinda pretty, but, out of focus and blurry and not as lovely as it could be. Which is incredibly frustrating when I know I have the potential to be the vibrant, in-focus, beautiful flower on the right side.

And ALL it took for the flower to go from the left to the right, was a little bit of refocusing of the camera. Just like I sometimes need to refocus the camera to get a better picture, I also need to learn to refocus my mind.

While listening to Leanne Vogel‘s podcast “The Keto Diet Podcast” I felt inspired for today. In her second episode, Leanne discusses meditation and mantras. Her mantras recently changed from being “I am” statements which allow for a lot of doubt and insecurity to “May I be” which promotes a more positive and empowered mindset.

It is very easy for me to lose my focus as the week goes on because I am so busy with all the other things going on in my life: work at the camp, work at the church, being a mom, being a wife,  attempting to have a social life, finding time to work out/be active, managing my bipolar/adhd, being on the keto diet/healthy alternatives, AND all the other things going on in my life. And it usually means that my focus is split seven ways from Sunday and that I don’t often have the time or attention span to do anything fully or to the best of my ability.

And good grief does that leave me feeling lost and overwhelmed and annoyed.

So I want my mantra for the rest of this week to be… May I be focused.

I want to be focused on:
– having a healthy, productive marriage
– being the best mom I can be
– being responsible with my finances
– making healthy choices

Well, even that seems like a lot. So, how do I do it? Baby steps and planning!

Marriage: Plan 2 date nights for April
Motherhood: Plan 2 craft projects for Joshua for this week
Finances: Plan a tight budget for April
Health: Plan out meals for this week

It doesn’t seem like much, but for me it is a step in the right direction. We shall see how it goes…

❤ always,

Ashley Grace