Finding Grace

I took a hiatus from writing and blogging for the last year + a few months. The more I think about it, the more I become convinced it was a terrible idea and I never should’ve done it. Taking the hiatus wasn’t exactly intentional though. I was struggling (and still am) with my depression. And then I got pregnant which made me sick, exhausted, and often even more depressed. And I allowed that to become my rationale for falling out of the habit of writing daily like I should’ve been. I let life get in the way. And in the process I lost myself. I didn’t notice just how bad it had been until I went home (Pennsylvania) for a wedding this past weekend. I’ll post some more writing on that later though. The point is…. I’m back now. And I’m ready to find myself.

This town

This town

Every inch of this town is covered in memories of you. They are bittersweet. Like a sour patch candy melting on my tongue. So sour it makes me cringe in pain then fading to find a sweetness I relish. And just like you, the memory is gone, fading uneasily from my mind.

But it’s so hard to forget when everywhere I go is a reflection of you. In the rear view mirror just like yesterday I see those eyes clearest of clear blue. And in that moment my heart was so easily melted just like it used to. But that was then, and it is no more, because this town is just a reflection of you.