DIY: Low Maintenance Mini Zen Garden

Inspired by a Mini Zen Garden I saw on Pinterest, I decided to give it a go.

And after multiple failed attempts…I finally got it right!

I started with a layer of glass beads as the base (about 1/3 of the bowl).


Then added a layer of small rocks. These particular rocks happen to have been collected from my trip to Cape May with my husband back when we were still just dating. I’ve had them in a water bottle and been looking for a project to use them for.


Then I carefully decided where the cacti would be placed, packed them in with a layer of very gritty silt like dirt


The dirt was then covered with sand (from our honeymoon in the Bahamas!) and I added some accents like stones and shells.


I used a regular old kitchen fork to draw some designs in the sand.

And voila!!


Our cat Sam is very interested in the new addition to the coffee table.


Hopefully the little furball doesn’t try to eat or play with the cacti. I don’t see that going over well.

So how much did this cost me?

$4 for the bowl
$3 for the glass beads
$0 for the rocks, dirt, sand, and shells
$6 for 3 cacti

Grand Total: $13

Level of skill required… Debatable! Now that I know what I’m doing I could totally do it again easily. But it took me a while to work out the logistics so that none of the layers ran together (the garden on Pinterest only had sand and I wanted something a little more fun and artsy).

Definitely worth the time and money!!!

Next project: a scarf made out of tshirt yarn!