phobia prompt

1. Ending Up Alone: I never talk about this, but somewhere deep inside the idea of ending up is paralyzing.
2. Sharks: so much so that I’m even afraid of them in swimming pools!
3. The Dark: not so much the dark as people lurking in it and jumping out to scare me or attack me.
4. Weeping angel statues (thank you doctor who!)
5. Public speaking/singing/etc: the idea of having a room full of people or a crowd of people staring at me for any reason whatsoever is terrifying!

Now the real question is how to include this in one of my books…

my first tattoo

After work yesterday I went to Sinner Soul. Its a tattoo parlor in town. I had only planned on getting price quotes. But I couldn’t help myself. I got my first tattoo.

The word “strength” has been a recurring theme in my life over the last five years. Was in an abusive marriage. Got divorced. A few relationships. Moving to a different state. Different jobs. Weight issues. Health issues. Depression and anxiety. Engaged but broke up. And the list of things I’ve endured goes on. But I survive. Its what I do. I’m strong.